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Find the maker which suits you the best

Maggie Strickland

/ Group Chief Information – Reality-makers
Experienced and reliable web 3 freelancers are hard to find. That’s why we aim to provide a community of metaverse specialists available anywhere else to help brands create amazing projects.

Knowing how the perfect team with matching skills can significantly improve a project’s success rate, we decided, in 2020, to create the first dedicated metaverse freelancing platform. We help companies connect with experienced talents to work on technical projects.
Our main goal is to contribute to the web 3.0 by providing enough human resources to innovative brands, allowing them to disrupt their markets. That’s why we are building a community of tech enthusiast makers, just like us.

Client https://reality-makers.com/
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Our solution

Simply get to the point
We’ve put in the work to offer you the essentials, nothing more. We developed a platform that makes collaborations as simple as possible, so you can only focus on the results.


Reality Makers is a fully dedicated metaverse freelancing platform based in France.
Hand picked missions only
Reality Makers is not a generalist platform. You’ll only find metaverse focused jobs that fit to your vocation and clients invested in upcoming technologies.
Your money is safe
We put security at the heart of our priority. We’ve partnered with MangoPay, the leading wallet payment system, to secure your in-app activity and make you get paid.
A mediation team to support you
In case of problems, you’re not left alone facing your customers. A mediation team is available when a dispute is started. We will analyze any situation to provide the help needed.

How our services bring about success